In the course data file, you should include three kinds of information:
- Identifying information about the student
- Information about the student’s progress during the academic term
- Information about courses taken by the student
The identifying information is similar to what you include in the cohort data file, but there are important differences. Be sure to read the tables below to ensure you include the right data.
The following tables list all of the variables required in each detail record in the course data file. We recommend listing the variables in the order in which they are listed in the tables.
Values are either required, not required, or required based on certain conditions. For any values that are not required, you may either populate the fields or leave them blank.
If you are submitting reverse transfer data, make sure you include the fields indicated as “Used for reverse transfer.”
Course Data File Variables
# | Variable | Variable Type | Format | Required | Description |
1 | CH1 | Enumerated | Yes | Indicates the type of data record. Enter D1 for detail records. | |
2 | Cohort | Date | YYYY-YY | Yes | Academic year in which the student first enrolled in at least one course. Must match the Cohort value in the cohort data file. Must be 2 consecutive years between 2000 and today. For example, 2019-20 |
3 | Cohort Term | Enumerated | Yes | Term in which student first enrolled in at least one course. Must match the Cohort Term value in the cohort data file. Valid codes:
4 | Academic Year | Date | YYYY-YY | Yes | Academic year to which the record belongs. Enter 2 consecutive years between 2000 and today. |
5 | Term | Enumerated | Yes | Academic term to which the record belongs. Valid Codes:
6 | Institution ID Type | Enumerated | Yes | Originating system of the institution ID (OPEID, FICE, NCES, ACT, etc.). Currently, you can only enter OPEID. | |
7 | Institution ID | Alphanumeric | 8 characters | Yes | Your institution’s ID (currently you can only enter an 8-character OPEID). |
8 | SSN | Numeric | 9 digits | Conditional | Student’s Social Security number. If not available, leave blank and enter the Student ID instead. Required if Student ID is blank. Cannot be the same as Student ID. |
9 | ITIN | Numeric | 9 digits | No | Individual Tax Payer Identification Number. Cannot be the same as SSN. |
10 | Student ID | Alphanumeric | 3 – 20 characters | Conditional | Your institution’s ID number for the student. Required if SSN is blank. Cannot be the same as SSN or ITIN. Can include: period, apostrophe, hyphen, underscore |
11 | First Name | Alphanumeric | Up to 60 characters | Yes | Student’s first name. Can include: space, period, apostrophe, hyphen |
12 | Middle Name | Alphanumeric | Up to 60 characters | No | Student’s middle name. Can include: space, period, apostrophe, hyphen |
13 | Last Name | Alphanumeric | Up to 60 characters | Yes | Student’s last name. Can include: space, period, apostrophe, hyphen |
14 | Suffix | Alphanumeric | Up to 10 characters | No | Student’s suffix (such as Jr., II, III). Can include a period. |
15 | Current Street 1 | String | 2 – 30 characters | Yes | Student’s current street address. If unknown, enter UK. |
16 | Current Street 2 | String | Up to 30 characters | No | Second line of student’s address, if needed. |
17 | Current City | String | 2 – 20 characters | Yes | Student’s current city of residence. If unknown, enter UK. |
18 | Current State | Alphabetic | 2 characters | Yes | Student’s current state of residence. For US students, enter a valid state code (see Valid State Codes). For students outside the US, enter any other two characters. If unknown, enter UK. |
19 | Current Zip/Postal Code | Alphanumeric | 1 – 10 characters | No | Student’s permanent zip/postal code. Must include at least one number. Can include a hyphen. Cannot include spaces. For postal codes with spaces, you can remove the spaces or replace them with hyphens. |
20 | Current Country | Enumerated | 2 characters | Yes | Student’s current country of residence (see Valid Country Codes). If unknown, enter UK. |
21 | Date of Birth | Date | YYYYMMDD | Yes | Student’s date of birth. Year must be between 1900 and 10 years ago. If unknown, omit the student from the data file. |
22 | Student Phone Number | String | Up to 20 digits | No | Student’s phone number US and international phone numbers are accepted. |
23 | Pell Recipient | Enumerated | Yes | Whether the student received a Pell grant during the term. Enter Y for yes, N for no, or UK for unknown. If you enter UK in this field, the PDP will attempt to populate the field using The Clearinghouse’s enrollment reporting data. This field is used to populate the Pell Grant Recipient dashboard filter. | |
24 | Student Email | String | Up to 255 characters | No | Student’s email address. |
# | Variable | Variable Type | Format | Required | Description |
25 | CompleteDevMath | Enumerated | Yes | For developmental math students, whether the student completed all developmental math requirements during the term. Valid codes:
26 | CompleteDevEnglish | Enumerated | Yes | For developmental English students, whether the student completed all developmental English requirements during the term. Valid codes:
27 | TransferIntent | Enumerated | No | Student's educational objective. Report term-by-term if possible. If you collect student intent once per year or only on entry, enter the intent for the student’s initial entry term. Enter I for intent to transfer or N for no intent to transfer. | |
28 | Degree Type Sought | Enumerated | Yes | Degree that the student is currently seeking. If unknown, enter UK. This field is used to populate the Credential Seeking Status dashboard filter and the Degree Type Sought field in the Analysis Ready file. If you enter UK in this field for all students, it will seriously impact your ability to filter and analyze data in the dashboards and Analysis Ready file. Valid codes:
29 | Semester/Session GPA | Numeric | X.XX | Yes | Student’s GPA for the current term on a 4-point scale. Count pass/fail classes, Ds, and retakes. Must be a number between 0 and 4 with up to two decimal places. If not available, enter Missing. |
30 | Overall GPA | Numeric | X.XX | Yes | Student’s cumulative GPA up to and including the current term on a 4-point scale. Count pass/fail classes, Ds, and retakes. Must be a number between 0 and 4 with up to two decimal places. If not available, enter Missing. |
# | Variable | Variable Type | Format | Required | Description |
31 | Course Prefix | Alphanumeric | Up to 50 characters | Yes | Course prefix as it appears in your institution’s catalog. For example, ENG 101 Composition I = ENG. Can include: period, hyphen, underscore, ampersand |
32 | Course Number | Alphanumeric | Up to 20 characters | Yes | Course number as it appears in your institution’s catalog. For example, ENG 101 Composition I = 101. Can include: period, hyphen, underscore, ampersand |
33 | Section ID | Alphanumeric | Up to 20 characters | Yes | Section ID as it appears in your institution’s catalog. If not available, enter Missing. Can include: period, hyphen, underscore, ampersand |
34 | Course Name | String | Up to 50 characters | Yes | Course name as it appears in your institution’s catalog. For example, ENG 101 Composition I = Composition I. |
35 | Course Description | String | Up to 255 characters | Conditional | Course description as it appears in your institution’s catalog. Required if Purpose of Course Exchange = 1. Used for reverse transfer. |
36 | Course CIP | Enumerated | Yes | Course Classification of Instructional Programs code. Must include a period after the first two digits (e.g. 03.0201). See for a list of valid codes. If not available, enter Missing. We accept the 2010 and 2020 CIP codes. | |
37 | Course Type | Enumerated | Yes | Type of course. Valid codes:
38 | MathOrEnglishGateway | Enumerated | Yes | Course is a gateway math or English course, the first course for any program. Students in major fields can sometimes choose from one of several math courses to fulfill the single-course college-level math requirement. These courses count as gateway courses. You may classify more than one course as a math or English gateway course. This field is used to determine if a student has completed gateway courses in order to populate the Gateway dashboard. Valid codes:
39 | Co-requisite Course | Enumerated | No | Whether the course is a co-requisite course, which enrolls students in developmental (remedial) education and college-level courses in the same subject at the same time. Enter Y for yes or N for no. | |
40 | Course Begin Date | Date | YYYYMMDD | Yes | Date the course began. Year must be between 1900 and today. |
41 | Course End Date | Date | YYYYMMDD | Yes | Date the course is scheduled to end. Year must be after 1900. |
42 | Grade | String | Up to 20 characters | Yes | Student’s grade for the term on a 4-point scale. If you use letter grades, convert them to numeric grades. If a numeric grade does not apply to the course, enter one of the following codes:
43 | Number of Credits Attempted | Numeric | XX.XX | Yes | Number of credits the student attempted for the individual course. Cannot be greater than 20. You must enter a value in this field. If this field is not populated, it will seriously impact your dashboards and Analysis Ready file. |
44 | Number of Credits Earned | Numeric | XX.XX | Yes | Number of credits the student earned for the individual course. Cannot be greater than Number of Credits Attempted. You must enter a value in this field. If this field is not populated, it will seriously impact your dashboards and Analysis Ready file. |
45 | Delivery Method | Enumerated | No | Delivery method of the course. Valid codes:
46 | Core Course | Enumerated | No | Course is part of core competency/general education courses at your institution. Enter Y for yes or N for no. Leave blank if not applicable. Used for reverse transfer. | |
47 | Core Course Type | String | Up to 20 characters | Conditional | Type of core competency. For example, the core competency for Introduction to Art 101 is Humanities. Required if Core Course = Y. Used for reverse transfer. |
48 | Core Competency Completed | Enumerated | No | Core/general education course has been completed. Used for reverse transfer. Valid codes:
49 | Total Combined Earned and Transferred Credits | Numeric | Up to 10 digits | Conditional | Total credits the student has earned at your institution plus transferred earned credits. Must be a whole number up to 10 digits with no decimal places. Required if Purpose of Course Exchange = 1. Used for reverse transfer. |
50 | Purpose of Course Exchange | Enumerated | Yes | Reason the course is being submitted to The Clearinghouse. Used for reverse transfer. Valid codes:
51 | Certification Endorsed Curriculum/Program | Enumerated | No | Indicates if your institution is teaching curriculum provided by or endorsed by an industry-recognized credentialing body (the credentialing body has reviewed and endorsed the curriculum to prepare students to sit for and pass a certification exam). Enter Y for yes or N for no. | |
52 | Certificate Endorsing Industry | String | No | Name of the credential provider endorsing the curriculum. Valid codes:
53 | Grade Effective Date | Date | YYYYMMDD | No | The date the grade was effective or the date the grade was entered in the system. Must be between the Course Begin Date and today. Leave blank if not applicable. |
54 | DGI Institution ID Type | Enumerated | Conditional | Originating system of the DGI ID (OPEID, FICE, NCES, ACT, etc.). Currently, you can only enter OPEID. Required if Purpose of Course Exchange = 1. Used for reverse transfer. | |
55 | DGI Institution ID | Alphanumeric | 8 characters | Conditional | DGI ID (currently you can only enter an 8-character OPEID). Required if Purpose of Course Exchange = 1. Used for reverse transfer. |
56 | DGI Student ID | Alphanumeric | 3 – 20 characters | No | Student ID of the DGI. Cannot be the same as SSN or ITIN. Used for reverse transfer. Can include: period, apostrophe, hyphen, underscore |
If you choose to submit any of the optional version 2.0 data elements, you must include all of the version 2.0 variables in the column header record, even if you are only populating some of them. If you choose to submit only some of the optional version 2.0 data elements, leave the rest of the version 2.0 variables blank. You must enter 2.0 in the Version field of the Header Record. See Formatting the Header Record for details.
# | Variable | Variable Type | Format | Required | Description |
57 | Credential Engine Identifier | Alphanumeric | 39 characters | No | Course credential registry number. CTID follows a standard format and serves as the primary, unique identifier for all major objects in the Credential Registry. |
58 | Course Instructor Employment Status | Enumerated | No | Employment status of the course instructor of record (only one instructor).
59 | Course Instructor Rank | Enumerated | No | Academic rank of the course instructor of record (only one instructor).
60 | Foreign Language Completion | Enumerated | No | Student has completed core/general education requirement for foreign language, if required. Valid codes:
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