Filters and Dimensions

General Filters

Filter Name Definition
Cohort Cohort by academic year.
Cohort Term Term in which the student first enrolled in at least one course. Options:

  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
Credential Type Sought Credential the student is seeking in the first term of their first academic year. Options:

  • Certificate seeking
  • Associate seeking
  • Bachelor’s seeking
  • Credential seeking – other
  • Non-credential seeking
  • Unknown
Enrollment Type Student’s enrollment type. Options:

  • F = First time at institution, non-transfer-in
  • T = First time transfer-in
Attendance Student’s attendance status. Options:

  • Full-Time
  • Part-Time

Full time/part time designation is based on your institution’s individual thresholds and is determined in the first term. We collect threshold information as part of the onboarding process.

Program of Study Primary two-digit CIP code your institution submitted to our enrollment reporting team (the latest CIP code for the student’s first academic year). The code might appear in the multi-select filter, e.g. 13 – Education or 22 – Legal Professions and Studies.
Past Dual/Summer Enrollment Student was a previous dual/concurrent high school enrollment student prior to their first term enrolled with credential-seeking status and/or enrolled in summer work prior to their first term of enrollment with credential-seeking status. Options:

  • Dual and Summer Enrollment
  • Dual Enrollment
  • Summer Enrollment
  • Unknown
Age Group A student’s age is based on the Date of Birth field in your course file and is calculated as of the student’s term begin date in the year they first enrolled at your institution. Options:

  • 20 and Younger
  • >20 – 24
  • Older than 24

Once a student reaches 24, they are classified as “Older than 24.”

Race/Ethnicity A student’s race/ethnicity is based on the values for Race and Ethnicity reported in your cohort file. Options:

  • Nonresident Alien
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Hispanic
  • Two or more races
  • Unknown

If the student reports multiple race values, the student will be classified as Two or more races. If no race/ethnicity information is available, the student will be classified as Unknown.

Gender Student’s gender. Options:

  • Female
  • Male
  • Nonbinary, intersex, and gender nonconforming
  • Prefer not to specify
  • Unknown
Pell Grant Recipient A student’s Pell status in any term of their first academic year based on the Pell Recipient field in your course file.

  • Yes (student is a Pell recipient)
  • No (student is not a Pell recipient)
  • Unknown (student’s Pell status is unknown)

If the student’s Pell status is unknown, we will check if the Pell Grant Recipient flag was populated for this student in your enrollment reporting to the Clearinghouse. If a value is present for the student in their first academic year at your institution, that value will be used to determine Pell status.

First Generation Whether a student is the first member of their immediate family to attend a college or university. Neither of the student’s biological or adoptive parents has ever attended a college or university.

  • First Generation
  • Not First Generation
GPA Range Student’s cumulative grade point average earned for all terms up to and including the current term. Based on credits used toward student’s credential and reported on a four-point scale. Options:

  • 0.0 to 0.5
  • 0.5 to 1.0
  • 1.0 to 1.5
  • 1.5 to 2.0
  • 2.0 to 2.5
  • 2.5 to 3.0
  • 3.0 to 3.5
  • 3.5 to 4.0
Math Prep Whether the student was determined to be college ready in math upon entry. Based on your institution’s standard math placement policies (e.g. test scores, high school GPA, high school courses, etc.). Options:

  • Not Ready in Math
  • Ready in Math
English Prep Whether the student was determined to be college ready in English upon entry. Based on your institution’s standard English placement policies (e.g. test scores, high school GPA, high school courses, etc.). Options:

  • Not Ready in English
  • Ready in English

Dashboard Specific Filters


Filter Name Definition
Outcome At Allows you to view student outcomes at the end of their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 8th academic years.


Filter Name Definition
Gateway Status Whether a student is required to take English Gateway courses, Math Gateway courses, or both. Options:

  • English Required Only
  • Math and English Required
  • Math Required Only
Gateway Grade For students who are required to take gateway course(s) the highest grade they received in their attempted gateway course(s) in their first academic year (single-select). Options:

  • ALL
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • P

Time to Credential

Filter Name Definition
Academic Year Academic year to which the record belongs.


Filter Name Definition
Earned Credit Milestone The amount of credits the student earned from your institution prior to transfer.
Transferred Within To track students’ transfer activity within a range of years of enrollment. Options:

  • > 0 – 2  years
  • > 2 – 3  years
  • > 3 – 4  years
  • > 4 – 6  years
  • > 6 – 8  years

Only data for cohorts in which the full time frame has elapsed will be displayed.

Destination Institution Type The type of institution student transferred to. Options:

  • 2 Year
  • 4 Year

Credit Accumulation Rate

Filter Name Definition
Select Credit Thresholds Threshold used to calculate credit accumulation rate. Options:

  • 15/30 (part-time student completing at least 15 credits/full-time student completing at least 30 credits)
  • 12/24 (part-time student completing at least 12 credits/full-time student completing at least 24 credits)

The credit threshold is not necessarily the same as the attendance status threshold.

Academic Year How many years the student has completed. Multiplies the number of credits you selected by the number of academic years. Options:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

Retention/Persistence Term-To-Term

Filter Name Definition
Term Name Academic term(s) you would like to see represented in the graph. Allows for like-for-like comparisons to previous terms. For example, if you select Fall both fall terms in the first two academic years will be shown. Options:

  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer


Dropdown Name Definition
Select Dimension A set of qualifiers that describe data in a more granular way (e.g. enrollment by term, application count by school, etc.). Options:

  • Overall
  • Cohort Term
  • Credential Type Sought
  • Earned Credit Milestone
  • Enrollment Type
  • Attendance
  • Dual/Summer Enrollment
  • Age Group
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Pell Grant Recipient
  • First Generation
  • GPA Range
  • Math Prep
  • English Prep

Dimension options are the same as the general filters but remain constant in the quadrants with which they are associated.



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