Formatting the Column Header Record

Every data file must include a column header record containing the column headings for the fields in the data file. The column headings are different for each data file type. The field values are included in the detail records. See Detail Records below for details.

List the column headings separated by commas as follows:

Column 1,Column 2,Column 3,Column 4,Column 5,Column 6

You must include the CH1 header as the first field in the column header record. You can include the rest of the headers in any order, but they must match the order of the detail records. The detail records include the values that appear in the columns under the headers. The values must match the column headers.

If you are submitting any of the version 2.0 data elements, you must include all of the version 2.0 variables in the column header record. See Optional Version 2.0 Data Elements for details.

Sample Column Header Record

CH1,Cohort,Cohort Term,Cohort Term Begin Date,Cohort Term End Date,SSN,ITIN,Student ID,First Name,Middle Name,Last Name,Street Line 1,Street Line 2,City,State,Zip/Postal Code,Country,Date of Birth,Ethnicity,Race,Institution ID Type,Institution ID,HS Completion Status,HS Completion Year,HS Unweighted GPA,HS Weighted GPA,First Gen,Dual and Summer Enrollment,Enrollment Type,Number of College Credits Attempted to Transfer,Number of College Transfer Credits Accepted,Math Placement,English Placement,Gateway Math Status,Gateway English Status

Sample Version 2.0 Column Header Records

Below is a sample column header record for a cohort data file that includes Version 2.0 data elements.

CH1,Cohort,Cohort Term,SSN,ITIN,Student ID,First Name,Middle Name,Last Name,Street Line 1,Street Line 2,City,State,Zip/Postal Code,Country,Date of Birth,Ethnicity,Race,Institution ID Type,Institution ID,HS Completion Status,HS Completion Year,HS Unweighted GPA,HS Weighted GPA,First Gen,Dual and Summer Enrollment,Enrollment Type,Number of College Credits Attempted to Transfer,Number of College Transfer Credits Accepted,Math Placement,English Placement,Gateway Math Status,Gateway English Status,Cohort Term Begin Date,Cohort Term End Date,Reading Placement,Special Program,NASPA First-Generation,Gender,Incarcerated Status,Military Status,Employment Status,Disability Status

Below is a sample column header record for a course data file that includes Version 2.0 data elements.

CH1,Cohort,Cohort Term,Academic Year,Term,Institution ID Type,Institution ID,SSN,ITIN,Student ID,First Name,Middle Name,Last Name,Suffix,Current Street 1,Current Street 2,Current City,Current State,Current Zip/Postal Code,Current Country,Date of Birth,Student Phone Number,Pell Recipient,Student Email,CompleteDevMath,CompleteDevEnglish,TransferIntent,Degree Type Sought,Semester/Session GPA,Overall GPA,Course Name,Course Number,Section ID,Course Prefix,Course Description,Course CIP,Course Type,MathOrEnglishGateway,Co-requisite Course,Course Begin Date,Course End Date,Grade,Number of Credits Attempted,Number of Credits Earned,Delivery Method,Core Course,Core Course Type,Core Competency Completed,Total Combined Earned and Transferred Credits,Purpose of Course Exchange,Certification Endorsed Curriculum/Program,Certificate Endorsing Industry,Grade Effective Date,DGI Institution ID Type,DGI Institution ID,DGI Student ID,Credential Engine Identifier,Course Instructor Employment Status,Course Instructor Rank,Foreign Language Completion

Previous: Formatting the Trailer Record  |  Next: Formatting the Detail Records


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