The Clearinghouse’s new Gainful Employment (GE) and Financial Value Transparency (FVT) Resource Center is your one-stop shop for information on both the latest regulatory requirements and our free reporting solution.
WATCH: “Gainful Employment & Financial Value Transparency: Will Your Institution Be Ready?”
Watch our on-demand webinar on the 2024 Gainful Employment and Financial Value Transparency requirements, what they mean for your school, and our free and easy-to-use solution to help you comply with the new legislation.
New FAQs: GE/FVT Reporting & the Clearinghouse’s Free Solution
The Clearinghouse is here to help your institution prepare to comply with the reporting requirements for the 2024 Gainful Employment (GE) and Financial Value Transparency (FVT) act with our free and easy-to-use solution (on the way!), new GE/FVT FAQs, webinars, and more.
Enhancement! New Warning Code 94, Potential Invalid SSN
In spring 2024, the Clearinghouse is introducing a new warning code for the Error Resolution Report on the Web (ERW) template that will help avoid invalid SSN reporting.
Enhancement! Error Resolution Report Edit and Validation Re-design
Effective late January 2024, we will deploy an enhancement to the error and warning correction capability on Enrollment Reporting’s Error Resolution Report on the Web (ERW) that will provide greater transparency to edit and validate the entire student record at one time.
Error Resolution Report Guide, Error 253/290 Guide, & Glossary Available!
Our highly anticipated Error Resolution Report Guide is now available on Compliance Central, along with a guide for resolving Error Codes 253 & 290 and a handy glossary of Enrollment Reporting and compliance terms.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | […]
Error Codes 253 & 290
Error codes 253 and 290 occur when a student is flagged with a potential name/Social Security number (SSN) conflict. A name/SSN conflict occurs when an SSN included in an incoming enrollment file is attached to a student that is already in the Clearinghouse database and is not an immediate match […]
New Data Elements! Lived Name and Gender Identity
Effective December 15, 2023, you can submit lived name and gender identity data elements as optional additional identifiers for your students.
Enrollment Reporting Data Flow
What Your School Does What the Clearinghouse Does Scheduling Transmissions Schedule extracts to occur every 30-45 days, and update the schedule as needed. Go to Clearinghouse secure site and select the Future Transmission tab, then the Degree Transmission tab to access your schedule. Emails you a reminder when your next […]