Setting up File-Level Encryption for FVT/GE

Last Updated: August 30, 2024 Latest Additions/Updates: The most recent additions and/or major changes. Decrypting Your Downloads (added) File-Level Encryption (such as PGP) The FVT/GE platform uses file-level encryption (such as PGP) to encrypt downloaded files. To download files: You will need to generate a public/private key pair. You will […]

FVT/GE Glossary

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Activating Your FVT/GE Service

On this page, we will walk you through the steps to successfully activate and participate in our FVT/GE service, as well as provide helpful resources. We also recommend that you explore our FVT/GE resource center for information on future Clearinghouse FVT/GE releases and how to stay up-to-date on reporting requirements. […]

Financial Value Transparency & Gainful Employment (FVT/GE)

About FVT/GE Learn more about Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment (FVT/GE). Clearinghouse FVT/GE Resource Center FVT/GE Frequently Asked Questions Webinars FVT/GE Glossary How the Clearinghouse Keeps Data Secure for FVT/GE Compliance Reporting Getting Started with FVT/GE Information and steps to take when you’re ready to start using our FVT/GE […]