Return to File Formats & Field Values
For fixed width format, the total detail record length is 1250 bytes. For Excel/text tab delimited format, the total header record length is 109 columns. Create one detail record for each student.
Excel Column | Field Name | Characters | Bytes | Required | Format | Description |
A | Record Type | 2 | 1-2 | Required | Alphanumeric | D1 for each record. |
B | Student SSN | 9 | 3-11 | Required | Numbers only (no hyphens) | Student’s Social Security number. NO SSN with trailing spaces if not available. |
C | First Name | 20 | 12-31 | Required | Alphanumeric | Student’s first name |
D | Middle Initial | 1 | 32-32 | Optional | Alphanumeric | Student’s middle initial |
E | Last Name | 20 | 33-52 | Required | Alphanumeric | Student’s last name |
F | Name Suffix | 5 | 53-57 | Optional | Alphanumeric | Student’s name suffix (e.g., III, Jr, or Sr). Filler if not applicable. |
G | Previous SSN | 9 | 58-66 | Optional | Numbers only (no hyphens) | Student’s previous SSN if SSN changed. |
H | Previous Last Name | 20 | 67-86 | Optional | Alphanumeric | Student’s previous last name. Filler if not applicable. |
I | Enrollment Status | 1 | 87 | Required | Letter | Student’s enrollment status. See Reporting Enrollment Statuses for definitions. For advanced registration, only F, Q, H, and L are valid values.
J | Status Start Date | 8 | 88-95 | Conditional | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Date the student’s current status began. Date of change if student’s status changed during the term. See Reporting Enrollment Statuses for more information. |
K | Street Line 1 | 30 | 96-125 | Required | Alphanumeric | Student’s permanent street address. UK if unknown. |
L | Street Line 2 | 30 | 126-155 | Optional | Alphanumeric | Continuation of address (e.g. Apt B) |
M | City | 20 | 156-175 | Required | Letters only | Student’s permanent city of residence. UK if unknown. |
N | State | 2 | 176-177 | Required | Letters only | Student’s permanent state of residence. See Valid State/Province Codes. FO for foreign country. UK if unknown. |
O | Zip | 9 | 178-186 | Conditional | Alphanumeric | Student’s permanent zip code. Filler if not available, foreign address, or zip extension. |
P | Country | 15 | 187-201 | Required | Alphanumeric | Student’s country of residence. See Valid Country Codes. If State is domestic or UK and Country is blank, the field is automatically populated with US. |
Q | Anticipated Graduation Date | 8 | 202-209 | Conditional | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Date the student is scheduled to graduate. Required only for enrollment data and students with F, Q, H, L or A statuses. Filler if not applicable. |
R | Date of Birth | 8 | 210-217 | Required | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Student’s date of birth. Filler if unknown. |
S | Term Begin Date | 8 | 218-225 | Required | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Start date of current academic term (1st day of classes) for program in which student is enrolled. |
T | Term End Date | 8 | 226-233 | Required | Date (YYYYMMDD) | End date of current academic term (last day of exams) for program in which student is enrolled |
U | Filler | 1 | 234 | Required | Alphanumeric | Filler |
V | Directory Block Indicator | 1 | 235 | Required | Letter | Whether the student requested a block on release of their name and/or attendance dates
W | NCES CIP Code for Major 1 | 6 | 236-241 | Optional | Numbers only (no decimal points) | NCES CIP code for student’s major. Filler if not applicable. |
X | NCES CIP Code for Major 2 | 6 | 242-247 | Optional | Numbers only (no decimal points) | NCES CIP code for student’s second major. Filler if not applicable. |
Y | Major Course of Study 1 | 80 | 248-327 | Optional | Alphanumeric | Name of student’s major (e.g. History). NOT APPLICABLE if institution does not offer majors. |
Z | Major Course of Study 2 | 80 | 328-407 | Optional | Alphanumeric | Name of student’s major (e.g. History). Filler if not applicable. |
AA | Class/Credential | 1 | 408 | Conditional | Letter | Student class or credential level. Filler if not applicable.
AB | First Time Full Time | 1 | 409 | Optional | Y/N | Your institution is required to report a “First-Time, Full-Time” cohort to the Department of Education via IPEDS. This field uses the same methodology used to create this cohort. Filler if not applicable.
AC | Degree Seeking | 1 | 410 | Optional | Y/N | Whether the student is seeking a degree.
AD | High School Code | 6 | 411-416 | Optional | Number (000001 through 999999) | Code for the most recent high school the student attended using the College Entrance Exam Board (CEEB)/ACT code structure. 960000 for GED recipients. 969999 for home-schooled students. Filler if not applicable. |
AE | Sex for Reporting (Previously Gender) | 1 | 417 | Optional | Letter | Sex that a student is declared to be according to government records. Filler if not applicable.
AF | Race/ Ethnicity | 2 | 418-419 | Optional | Letters | Student-provided race or ethnicity. Filler if not provided.
AG | College Student ID | 20 | 420-439 | Optional | Alphanumeric (no special characters) | Institutionally supplied student ID number. Filler if not applicable. |
AH | State Student ID | 30 | 440-469 | Optional | Alphanumeric | State-supplied student ID number. Filler if not applicable. |
AI | 128 | 470-597 | Optional | Alphanumeric | Student’s email address. Filler if not provided. | |
AJ | Good Student | 1 | 598 | Optional | Y/N | Whether the student is eligible for a Good Student Discount. A student is eligible if their most recent term or cumulative grade point average (GPA) is a B or higher, they are on the Dean’s List, or they are in the top 20% of the class. Filler if not applicable.
AK | Middle Name | 35 | 599-633 | Optional | Alphanumeric | Student’s middle name. Filler if not applicable. |
AL | Veteran’s Status Indicator | 1 | 634 | Optional | Letter | Whether the student is a veteran/dependent receiving veteran benefits. Filler if not applicable.
AM | Filler | 12 | 635-646 | Optional | Alphanumeric | Filler |
AN | Pell Grant Recipient Flag | 1 | 647 | Optional | Y/N | Whether the student is receiving a Pell grant. Filler if not applicable.
AO | Remedial Flag | 1 | 648 | Optional | Y/N | Whether the student is enrolled in one or more remedial course. Filler if not applicable.
AP | Citizenship Flag | 1 | 649 | Optional | Y/N | Whether the student is a US citizen. Filler if not applicable.
AQ | Student Phone Type | 1 | 650 | Optional | Letter | Type of phone number reported. Filler if not applicable.
AR | Preferred Phone Number Flag | 1 | 651 | Optional | Y/N | Whether the phone number reported is the student’s preferred phone number. Field defaults to Y.
AS | Student Phone Country Code | 3 | 652-654 | Optional | Number | Country code for the student’s phone number. Filler if not applicable. |
AT | Student Phone Number | 11 | 655-665 | Optional | Number | Student’s phone number. Filler if not provided. |
AU | Move To OPEID | 8 | 666-673 | Optional | Number | OPEID code for the location to which student the student’s enrollment is being transferred. Filler if not applicable. |
AV | Program Indicator | 1 | 674 | Required | Y/N | Whether the student is enrolled in at least one program.
AW | Program 1 CIP Code | 6 | 675-680 | Conditional | Numbers only (no decimal points) | Program’s CIP code. Filler if not applicable. |
AX | CIP Year | 4 | 681-684 | Conditional | Year (YYYY) | Year in which the CIP used by NSLDS was published. Required if Program 1 CIP Code is populated. The CIP year for the current NSLDS codes is 2020. If another year is entered, the field defaults to 2020. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N. |
AY | Program 1 Credential Level | 2 | 685-686 | Conditional | Number | Program credential level. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N.
Must agree with the Special Program Indicator as follows:
AZ | Published Program 1 Length | 6 | 687-692 | Conditional | Number (nnnnnn) | Length of the program in years, months, or weeks as published by the institution. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N.
BA | Published Program 1 Length Measurement | 1 | 693 | Conditional | Letter | Measurement of program length. Required if Published Program 1 Length is populated. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N.
BB | Weeks Program 1 Title IV Academic Year | 6 | 694-699 | Conditional | Number (nnnnnn) | Total number of weeks of instruction in the program’s academic year. Required if Published Program Length 1 Measurement is W or M. Filler if indicator is N or Published Program 1 Length Measurement is Y.
BC | Program 1 Begin Date | 8 | 700-707 | Conditional | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Date on which the student began attending the program. Filler if Program Indicator is N. |
BD | Special Program Indicator | 1 | 708 | Conditional | Letter | Whether the program belongs to one of the following groups. Filler if Program Indicator is N.
Must agree with the Program 1 Credential Level as follows:
BE | Program 1 Enrollment Status | 1 | 709 | Conditional | Letter | Student’s enrollment status in the program. Filler if Program Indicator is N.
BF | Program 1 Enrollment Status Effective Date | 8 | 710-717 | Conditional | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Effective date for student’s program enrollment status. Filler if Program Indicator is N. If Program Enrollment Status is X, the date must match the Program Begin Date. |
BG | Program 2 CIP Code | 6 | 718-723 | Optional | Numbers only (no decimal points) | Program’s CIP code. Filler if not applicable. |
BH | CIP Year | 4 | 724-727 | Conditional | Year (YYYY) | Year in which the CIP used by NSLDS was published. Required if Program 2 CIP Code is populated. The CIP year for the current NSLDS codes is 2020. If another year is entered, field defaults to 2020. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N. |
BI | Program 2 Credential Level | 2 | 728-729 | Conditional | Number | Program credential level. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N.
Must agree with the Special Program Indicator as follows:
BJ | Published Program 2 Length | 6 | 730-735 | Conditional | Number (nnnnnn) | Length of the instructional program in years, months, or weeks as published by the institution. Required if Program 2 CIP Code is populated. Filler if not applicable.
BK | Published Program 2 Length Measurement | 1 | 736 | Conditional | Letter | Measurement of program length. Required if Published Program 2 Length is populated. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N.
BL | Weeks Program 2 Title IV Academic Year | 6 | 737-742 | Conditional | Number (nnnnnn) | Total number of weeks of instruction in the program’s academic year. Required if Published Program 2 Length Measurement is W or M. Filler if Program Indicator is N or Published Program 2 Length Measurement is Y.
BM | Program 2 Begin Date | 8 | 743-750 | Conditional | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Date on which the student began attending the program. Required if Program 2 CIP Code is populated. Filler if not applicable. |
BN | Special Program Indicator | 1 | 751 | Conditional | Letter | Whether the program belongs to one of the following groups. Filler if Program Indicator is N.
Must agree with the Program 2 Credential Level as follows:
BO | Program 2 Enrollment Status | 1 | 752 | Conditional | Letter | Student’s enrollment status in the program. Filler if Program Indicator is N.
BP | Program 2 Enrollment Status Effective Date | 8 | 753-760 | Conditional | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Effective date for student’s program enrollment status. Filler if Program Indicator is N. If Program Enrollment Status is X, the date must match the Program 2 Begin Date. |
BQ | Program 3 CIP Code | 6 | 761-766 | Optional | Numbers only (no decimal points) | Program’s CIP code. Filler if not applicable. |
BR | CIP Year | 4 | 767-770 | Conditional | Year (YYYY) | Year in which the CIP used by NSLDS was published. Required if Program 3 CIP Code is populated. The CIP year for the current NSLDS codes is 2020. If another year is entered, the field defaults to 2020. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N. |
BS | Program 3 Credential Level | 2 | 771-772 | Conditional | Number | Program credential level. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N.
Must agree with the Special Program Indicator as follows:
BT | Published Program 3 Length | 6 | 773-778 | Conditional | Number (nnnnnn) | Length of the instructional program in years, months, or weeks as published by the institution. Required if Program 3 CIP Code is populated. Filler if not applicable.
BU | Published Program 3 Length Measurement | 1 | 779 | Conditional | Letter | Measurement of program length. Required if Published Program 3 Length is populated. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N.
BV | Weeks Program 3 Title IV Academic Year | 6 | 780-785 | Conditional | Number (nnnnnn) | Total number of weeks of instruction in the program’s academic year. Required if Published Program 3 Length Measurement is W or M. Filler if Program Indicator is N or Published Program 3 Length Measurement is Y.
BW | Program 3 Begin Date | 8 | 786-793 | Conditional | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Date on which the student began attending the program. Required if Program 3 CIP Code is populated. Filler if not applicable. |
BX | Special Program Indicator | 1 | 794 | Conditional | Letter | Whether the program belongs to one of the following groups. Filler if Program Indicator is N.
Must agree with the Program 3 Credential Level as follows:
BY | Program 3 Enrollment Status | 1 | 795 | Conditional | Letter | Student’s enrollment status in the program. Filler if Program Indicator is N.
BZ | Program 3 Enrollment Status Effective Date | 8 | 796-803 | Conditional | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Effective date for student’s program enrollment status. Filler if Program Indicator is N. If Program Enrollment Status is X, the date must match the Program 3 Begin Date. |
CA | Program 4 CIP Code | 6 | 804-809 | Optional | Numbers only (no decimal points) | Program’s CIP code. Filler if not applicable. |
CB | CIP Year | 4 | 810-813 | Conditional | Year (YYYY) | Year in which the CIP used by NSLDS was published. Required if Program 4 CIP Code is populated. The CIP year for the current NSLDS codes is 2020. If another year is entered, the field defaults to 2020. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N. |
CC | Program 4 Credential Level | 2 | 814-815 | Conditional | Number | Program credential level. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N.
Must agree with the Special Program Indicator as follows:
CD | Published Program 4 Length | 6 | 816-821 | Conditional | Number (nnnnnn) | Length of the instructional program in years, months, or weeks as published by the institution. Required if Program 4 CIP Code is populated. Filler if not applicable.
CE | Published Program 4 Length Measurement | 1 | 822 | Conditional | Letter | Measurement of program length. Required if Published Program 4 Length is populated. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N.
CF | Weeks Program 4 Title IV Academic Year | 6 | 823-828 | Conditional | Number (nnnnnn) | Total number of weeks of instruction in the program’s academic year. Required if Published Program 4 Length Measurement is W or M. Filler if Program Indicator is N or Published Program 4 Length Measurement is Y.
CG | Program 4 Begin Date | 8 | 829-836 | Conditional | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Date on which the student began attending the program. Required if Program 4 CIP Code is populated. Filler if not applicable. |
CH | Special Program Indicator | 1 | 837 | Conditional | Letter | Whether the program belongs to one of the following groups. Filler if Program Indicator is N.
Must agree with the Program 4 Credential Level as follows:
CI | Program 4 Enrollment Status | 1 | 838 | Conditional | Letter | Student’s enrollment status in the program. Filler if Program Indicator is N.
CJ | Program 4 Enrollment Status Effective Date | 8 | 839-846 | Conditional | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Effective date for student’s program enrollment status. Filler if Program Indicator is N. If Program Enrollment Status is X, the date must match the Program 4 Begin Date. |
CK | Program 5 CIP Code | 6 | 847-852 | Optional | Numbers only (no decimal points) | Program’s CIP code. Filler if not applicable. |
CL | CIP Year | 4 | 853-856 | Conditional | Year (YYYY) | Year in which the CIP used by NSLDS was published. Required if Program 5 CIP Code is populated. The CIP year for the current NSLDS codes is 2020. If another year is entered, the field defaults to 2020. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N. |
CM | Program 5 Credential Level | 2 | 857-858 | Conditional | Number | Program credential level. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N.
Must agree with the Special Program Indicator as follows:
CN | Published Program 5 Length | 6 | 859-864 | Conditional | Number (nnnnnn) | Length of the instructional program in years, months, or weeks as published by the institution. Required if Program 5 CIP Code is populated. Filler if not applicable.
CO | Published Program 5 Length Measurement | 1 | 865 | Conditional | Letter | Measurement of program length. Required if Published Program 5 Length is populated. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N.
CP | Weeks Program 5 Title IV Academic Year | 6 | 866-871 | Conditional | Number (nnnnnn) | Total number of weeks of instruction in the program’s academic year. Required if Published Program 5 Length Measurement is W or M. Filler if Program Indicator is N or Published Program 5 Length Measurement is Y.
CQ | Program 5 Begin Date | 8 | 872-879 | Conditional | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Date on which the student began attending the program. Required if Program 5 CIP Code is populated. Filler if not applicable. |
CR | Special Program Indicator | 1 | 880 | Conditional | Letter | Whether the program belongs to one of the following groups. Filler if Program Indicator is N.
Must agree with the Program 5 Credential Level as follows:
CS | Program 5 Enrollment Status | 1 | 881 | Conditional | Letter | Student’s enrollment status in the program. Filler if Program Indicator is N.
CT | Program 5 Enrollment Status Effective Date | 8 | 882-889 | Conditional | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Effective date for student’s program enrollment status. Filler if Program Indicator is N. If Program Enrollment Status is X, the date must match the Program 5 Begin Date. |
CU | Program 6 CIP Code | 6 | 890-895 | Optional | Numbers only (no decimal points) | Program’s CIP code. Filler if not applicable. |
CV | CIP Year | 4 | 896-899 | Conditional | Year (YYYY) | Year in which the CIP used by NSLDS was published. Required if Program 6 CIP Code is populated. The CIP year for the current NSLDS codes is 2020. If another year is entered, the field defaults to 2020. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N. |
CW | Program 6 Credential Level | 2 | 900-901 | Conditional | Number | Program credential level. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N.
Must agree with the Special Program Indicator as follows:
CX | Published Program 6 Length | 6 | 902-907 | Conditional | Number (nnnnnn) | Length of the instructional program in years, months, or weeks as published by the institution. Required if Program 6 CIP Code is populated. Filler if not applicable.
CY | Published Program 6 Length Measurement | 1 | 908 | Conditional | Letter | Measurement of program length. Required if Published Program 6 Length is populated. Filler if not applicable or Program Indicator is N.
CZ | Weeks Program 6 Title IV Academic Year | 6 | 909-914 | Conditional | Number (nnnnnn) | Total number of weeks of instruction in the program’s academic year. Required if Published Program 6 Length Measurement is W or M. Filler if Program Indicator is N or Published Program 6 Length Measurement is Y.
DA | Program 6 Begin Date | 8 | 915-922 | Conditional | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Date on which the student began attending the program. Required if Program 6 CIP Code is populated. Filler if not applicable. |
DB | Special Program Indicator | 1 | 923 | Conditional | Letter | Whether the program belongs to one of the following groups. Filler if Program Indicator is N.
Must agree with the Program 6 Credential Level as follows:
DC | Program 6 Enrollment Status | 1 | 924 | Conditional | Letter | Student’s enrollment status in the program. Filler if Program Indicator is N.
DD | Program 6 Enrollment Status Effective Date | 8 | 925-932 | Conditional | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Effective date for student’s program enrollment status. Filler if Program Indicator is N. If Program Enrollment Status is X, the date must match the Program 6 Begin Date. |
DE | Privacy Block Setting | 2 | 933-934 | Conditional | Number | Student’s privacy block setting. Once you have submitted a value from 00-03, you can never submit this field as blank or 00 for the student at your institution.
DF | Previous First Name | 20 | 935-954 | Optional | AN | Student’s previous first name. Filler if not applicable. |
DG | Lived First Name | 40 | 955-994 | Optional | AN | Student’s preferred professional first name used instead of legal name. Filler if not applicable. |
DH | Lived Middle Name | 40 | 995-1034 | Optional | AN | Student’s preferred professional middle name used instead of legal name. Filler if not applicable. |
DI | Lived Last Name | 40 | 1035-1074 | Optional | AN | Student’s preferred professional last name used instead of legal name. Filler if not applicable. |
DJ | Gender Identity | 2 | 1075-1076 | Optional | Letters | Student’s perceived gender. Filler if not applicable.
DK | Filler | 316 | 1077-1250 | Optional | AN | Filler |