How to Transmit Files
Transmit your enrollment reporting files through the Clearinghouse Secure FTP site.
See our Secure FTP Knowledge Base for information on how to use the Secure FTP Site to transmit files.
Transmission Schedule
Once your institution has completed a full academic year, the Clearinghouse will generate a transmission schedule for you for each year by July 31st. Your transmission schedule lets your campus colleagues, the Clearinghouse, and the Department of Educations NSLDS know what types of files and when you plan to transmit. You can adjust your transmission schedule on our School Secure Site.
You must transmit files in chronological order. For semester institutions, we recommend submitting at least one First-of-Term, two Subsequent-of-Terms, and one End-of-Term transmission per term or one transmission every 30-45 days. For quarter institutions, we recommend submitting at least one First-of-Term and one End-of-Term transmission per term or one transmission every 30-45 days. You can submit more than the suggested number of transmissions.
If your institution has multiple concurrent terms with different beginning and end dates, contact a Clearinghouse operations analyst to create your transmission schedule. We recommend these schools transmit monthly.
SeeĀ Types of Enrollment Reporting Files for details about when to transmit each type of file.