Student Level Report Errors & Warnings Resolution

Table of Contents

Once your institution uploads the Student Level Report files, the Clearinghouse will process the data and conduct validations against strict field level definitions and standards. If the Clearinghouse Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment (FVT/GE) system flags any errors or warnings for the Student Level Report files you uploaded, you will be presented with a list of errors that must be corrected.

Warnings are flagged to highlight student records that require further review, such as adjustments to the total financial aid information or exclusions that may be necessary. You can acknowledge a warning to resolve it. Once all errors for all award years are resolved, your institution can accept them, which will finalize your Student Level Report, and request that the Clearinghouse send your file to NSLDS.

You can manage the errors and warnings listed below via the FVT/GE service on our secure site.


Errors:  13-266 | 1501-1510 | 5001 – 5006 | 5100 – 51055200 – 5217

Code Description Type Solution Prevention
13 Student Last Name is blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide the student’s last name. Ensure the student’s last name is populated.
30 College Student ID is invalid ENROLLMENT Provide the student’s institutionally supplied student ID number. Ensure the student’s CSID contains no special characters.
51 Student First Name is blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide the student’s first name. Ensure the student’s last name is populated.
266 Social Security Number is blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide the student’s Social Security number. Ensure the student’s Social Security number is populated.
1501 CIP Code is blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide a valid CIP code. Ensure the six-digit CIP Code (without period) is a valid code from the 2010/2020 CIP Code list.
1503 Credential Level is blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide a valid program credential level. Ensure the Credential Level of the program the student was enrolled in during the award year is valid.
1504 Published Length of Program is blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide a valid Published Program Length. Ensure the length of the instructional program in weeks, months, or years (as published by the school) is valid.
1505 Published Length of Program Measurement is blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide a valid Program Length Measurement. Ensure the unit of measure for the length of the instructional program (as published by the school) is valid.
1506 Weeks in Title IV Academic Year is blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide the total number of weeks of instruction in the program’s academic year. Ensure the total number of weeks of instruction in the program’s academic year is valid.
1507 Program Enrollment Begin Date is blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide a valid date for when the student began enrollment in the educational program. Ensure the date the student began enrollment in the educational program is valid.
1509 Program Attendance Status During Award Year is blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide a valid enrollment status of the student in the educational program. Ensure the enrollment status of the student in the educational program is valid.
1510 Date Student Completed or Withdrew from Program is blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide a valid date of student’s graduation or withdrawal from the FVT/GE Program. Ensure the date of student’s graduation or withdrawal from the FVT/GE Program is valid.
5001 Ineligible record for student cohort file ENROLLMENT Download the list of students for your records. Acknowledge the student records will be excluded from the Student Level Report. Ensure student was actively enrolled, withdrawn or graduated at the end of corresponding award year (AY). An AY is July 1-June 30.
5002 New record in the student cohort file ENROLLMENT Download the list of students for your records. Acknowledge the student records will be excluded from the Student Level Report. Submit an online update to incorporate the students into the Clearinghouse database.
5003 Original record in the student cohort file is missing ENROLLMENT Provide financial aid data for the student, if necessary. If the student did not receive Title IV Aid, populate “T” in the Invalid Flag field. Ensure all student/program records included on the initial student cohort file are included in the uploaded file.
5004 Student/program data does not match the original student cohort file ENROLLMENT The selected value does not match the corresponding value in the student cohort file. Please review the discrepancy and correct the information, as needed. After addressing all discrepancies, click “Validate” to resolve the error. Ensure that all fields in the uploaded file match the generated Student Cohort file. If the values are correct, no action is needed.
5005 Invalid flag mismatch for non-GE program ENROLLMENT The program is flagged as not being  a Gainful Employment program and should be excluded from the cohort. Please ensure the GE Program Flag is set to “No” and “Program Attendance Status During Award Year” is “Withdrawn.” When a program is not a Gainful Employment program and should be excluded from cohort, please ensure the “GE Program Flag” = “No” AND “Program Attendance Status During Award Year” = “Withdrawn.”
5006 Additional non-GE program(s) found with the same credential level ENROLLMENT The student withdrew from the non-GE program and another program with the same credential level was found for this student. If the student is enrolled in another non-GE program at the same credential level, please select “Not a GE Program” from the dropdown menu to exclude this record from the student cohort file. Otherwise, you can acknowledge that the TA amounts have been aggregated. Ensure the student is not enrolled in another non-GE program with the same credential level. If the student is enrolled in another non-GE program at the same credential level, report “Not a GE Program” to exclude this record from the student cohort file.
5100 Record Type is blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide valid value –

  • TA: Total Amount record
  • AA: Annual Amount record
Ensure a valid two-character Record Type is populated.
5101 Institution Code is blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide a valid 8-digit ED Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) code to identify the institution. Ensure a valid 8-digit OPEID, which is used to identify the institution, is populated.
5102 Award Year cannot be blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide a valid award year reflecting when the student was enrolled in the program.

Valid values –

  • For Standard cohort: 20162017, 20172018, 20182019, 20192020,
    20202021, 20212022, 20222023, or 20232024
  • For Transitional cohort: 20222023 or 20232024
Ensure the award year the student is enrolled in the program is for consecutive years.
5103 Student’s Enrollment Status as of the 1st Day of Enrollment in the Program is blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide a valid code for the student’s enrollment status, as of the 1st day in the FVT/GE program.

Valid values –

  • F: Full Time
  • Q: Three Quarter Time
  • H: Half Time
  • L: Less than Half Time
Ensure a valid code for the student’s enrollment status, as of the 1st day in the FVT/GE program, is provided.
5104 Program Attendance Status Date During Award Year is blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide June 30 of the award year being reported. Ensure June 30 of the award year is reported.
5105 Student Date of Birth blank/invalid ENROLLMENT Provide a valid date of birth. Ensure the date of birth is populated with a valid date.
5200 Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary (CTP) Program must be “Y” or “N” FINANCIAL Provide valid value –

  • Y: Yes
  • N: No
Ensure field is populated with a valid value.
5201 Approved Prison Program Indicator must be “Y” or “N” FINANCIAL Provide valid value –

  • Y: Yes
  • N: No
Ensure field is populated with a valid value.
5202 Total Amount Student Received in Private Education Loans During Student’s Entire Enrollment in the Program is blank/invalid FINANCIAL Provide a numerical value that does not exceed six digits. Round to the nearest whole dollar. Do not include dollar signs, commas, or decimals.

Enter all zeros if the student did not receive private educational loans.

Ensure field is populated with numerical values only and does not exceed six digits.

Enter all zeros if the student did not receive private educational loans.

5203 Total Amount of Institutional Debt During Student’s Entire Enrollment in the Program is blank/invalid FINANCIAL Provide a numerical value that does not exceed six digits. Round to the nearest whole dollar. Do not include dollar signs, commas, or decimals.

Enter all zeros if the student did not have any institutional debt.

Ensure field is populated with numerical values only and does not exceed six digits.

Enter all zeros if the student did not have any institutional debt.

5204 Total Amount of Tuition & Fees Assessed During Student’s Entire Enrollment in the Program is blank/invalid FINANCIAL Provide a numerical value that does not exceed six digits. Round to the nearest whole dollar. Do not include dollar signs, commas, or decimals.

Enter all zeros if the student did not have any tuition or fees.

Ensure field is populated with numerical values only and does not exceed six digits.

Enter all zeros if the student did not have any tuition or fees.

5205 Total Amount of Allowance for books, supplies, and equipment included in the student’s title IV, HEA COA During Student’s Entire Enrollment in the Program is blank/Invalid FINANCIAL Provide a numerical value that does not exceed six digits. Round to the nearest whole dollar. Do not include dollar signs, commas, or decimals.

Enter all zeros if the student did not have any allowance for books, supplies, and equipment.

Ensure field is populated with numerical values only and does not exceed six digits.

Enter all zeros if the student did not have any allowance for books, supplies, and equipment.

5206 Total Amount of Grants and Scholarships the student received During Student’s Entire Enrollment in the Program is blank/invalid FINANCIAL Provide a numerical value that does not exceed six digits. Round to the nearest whole dollar. Do not include dollar signs, commas, or decimals.

Enter all zeros if the student did not receive any grants and scholarships.

Ensure field is populated with numerical values only and does not exceed six digits.

Enter all zeros if the student did not receive any grants and scholarships.

5207 Invalid Flag must be “Y,” “N,” “T,” or  “X” FINANCIAL Provide valid value –

  • Y: Yes
  • N: No
  • T: Title IV Aid Not Received
  • X: Not a Qualifying Graduate
Ensure field is populated with a valid value.
5208 Gainful Employment Program Flag must be “Y” or “N” FINANCIAL Provide valid value –

  • Y: Yes
  • N: No
Ensure field is populated with a valid value.
5209 Annual Cost of Attendance (COA) is blank/invalid FINANCIAL Provide a numerical value that does not exceed six digits.

Round to the nearest whole dollar. Do not include dollar signs, commas, or decimals.

Ensure field is populated with numerical values only and does not exceed six digits.
5210 Tuition and Fees Amount for Award Year being Reported is blank/invalid FINANCIAL Provide a numerical value that does not exceed six digits. Round to the nearest whole dollar. Do not include dollar signs, commas, or decimals. Ensure field is populated with numerical values only and does not exceed six digits.
5211 Residency Tuition Status by State or District must be IS, ID or OS. FINANCIAL Provide valid value –

  • IS: In-State Tuition
  • ID: In-District Tuition
  • OS: Out-of-State Tuition
Ensure field is populated with a valid value.
5212 Allowance for Books, Supplies, and Equipment is blank/invalid FINANCIAL Provide a numerical value that does not exceed six digits. Round to the nearest whole dollar. Do not include dollar signs, commas, or decimals. Ensure field is populated with numerical values only and does not exceed six digits.
5213 Allowance for Housing and Food is blank/invalid FINANCIAL Provide a numerical value that does not exceed six digits. Round to the nearest whole dollar. Do not include dollar signs, commas, or decimals. Ensure field is populated with numerical values only and does not exceed six digits.
5214 Institutional Grants and Scholarships is blank/invalid FINANCIAL Provide a numerical value that does not exceed six digits. Round to the nearest whole dollar. Do not include dollar signs, commas, or decimals. Ensure field is populated with numerical values only and does not exceed six digits.
5215 Other State, Tribal, or Private Grants is blank/invalid FINANCIAL Provide a numerical value that does not exceed six digits. Round to the nearest whole dollar. Do not include dollar signs, commas, or decimals. Ensure field is populated with numerical values only and does not exceed six digits.
5216 Private Loans Amount is blank/invalid FINANCIAL Provide a numerical value that does not exceed six digits. Round to the nearest whole dollar. Do not include dollar signs, commas, or decimals. Ensure field is populated with numerical values only and does not exceed six digits.
5217 Invalid Award Year for Invalid Flag Indicator = X (Not a Qualifying Graduate Program) FINANCIAL Update the Invalid Flag to “Y,” “T,” or “N” based on the specific criteria for the program. Ensure “X” (not a Qualifying Graduate Program) is only applied to records in AY 2016-2017.


Code Description Type Solution Prevention
5053 Student withdrew from non-GE Program FINANCIAL The student withdrew from a non-GE program and no other non-GE programs were found for this student with same credential level. No further action is needed. The student withdrew from a non-GE program and no other non-GE programs were found with same credential level for this student. No further action is needed.
5054 Student graduated from non-GE program FINANCIAL The student graduated from a non-GE program and withdrew from another program with the same credential level. You can acknowledge that the TA amounts have been aggregated. The student graduated from a non-GE program and withdrew from another program with the same credential level. Ensure the TA amounts have been aggregated.
5055 Dual enrollment FINANCIAL The student is enrolled in multiple programs with the same credential level that have overlapping enrollment periods. Please verify the financial aid information for these programs is correct. Ensure that the financial aid information for students enrolled in multiple programs with overlapping enrollment periods is reported correctly.


There are two types of classifications for errors and warnings: Enrollment and Financial.

  • An “Enrollment” error or warning pertains to the management of Enrollment Reporting data, including program information.
  • A “Financial” error or warning affects FVT/GE financial aid cost data, which is usually accessible by staff in the financial aid office.

Please confirm you have the correct FVT/GE role(s) to handle the discrepancies effectively. Your Clearinghouse user administrator can assign the appropriate role to one or more administrators at your institution.

Role(s) Student Level Report (SLR) Data Correction Permissions
Financial Aid Officer
  • Edit financial aid information
  • Edit student information
  • View program information
  • Exclude student record
  • Submit to Clearinghouse
  • Reject an uploaded SLR file
  • Accept and send SLR to NSLDS
Financial Aid Viewer
  • View financial aid information
  • View student/program information
Financial Aid Officer AND
Submission Data OR
Submission Data Alternate
  • Edit financial aid information
  • Edit student information
  • Edit program information
  • Exclude student record
  • Submit to Clearinghouse
  • Reject an uploaded SLR file
  • Accept and send SLR to NSLDS
Financial Aid Viewer AND
Submission Data OR
Submission Data Alternate
  • View financial aid information
  • Edit student information
  • Edit program information

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