New Student Information Fields

When requesting a verification, you will notice a new required field, “Hiring Company/End User,” which is part of our initiative to implement best practices for compliance purposes. Its purpose is to provide information to students or schools whose data is being released. The field will not be used for any […]

Degree-Level Filtering

With degree-level filtering, you can request and receive the exact degree you’re looking for each time. Using this option eliminates the need to initiate a manual discrepancy to retrieve exactly the degree level you want whenever a different degree is found. Immediate confirmations include the specific degree level you requested, […]

Intelligent School Matching

During ordering, our intelligent school matching helps ensure the correct school for your request is selected, eliminating the need for you to submit requests to multiple schools whenever you are uncertain which is correct. If the student record(s) you are looking for is not immediately found at the school you […]