Welcome and thank you for choosing StudentTracker for High Schools. On this page, we will walk you through the steps to help you implement and start using your service, as well as provide helpful resources. We also recommend that you explore the rest of the StudentTracker for High Schools knowledge […]
StudentTracker 3.0 FAQs
These FAQs are intended for users of the StudentTracker for High Schools service. For more information on StudentTracker 3.0, visit our Student Tracker 3.0 page. Feel free to send any questions or comments to StudentTracker3.0@studentclearinghouse.org. General When will my StudentTracker for High Schools account move to StudentTracker 3.0? We will […]
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I submit student data? See Formatting and Submitting a Graduates File for details and resources for submitting student data. Can I submit a test file? Yes. See Submitting a Test File for instructions. What student data is required? Legal Name: The student’s first name and last name. The middle name/initial […]
Common Graduates File Submission Errors
Before you submit your graduates file, follow these guidelines to avoid common errors and ensure that StudentTracker can process your file and track your graduates accurately and efficiently. For detailed information and instructions, see Formatting and Submitting a Graduates File. High school graduate information for 2023 will not be available […]
Ask the Product Manager
If you have questions about your StudentTracker reports, send an email to the StudentTracker secondary product manager at: Gralak@StudentClearinghouse.org Include the full name of your organization, city, state, service agreement/account number (if known), and a description of your question(s).
The Difference Between a Graduates File and a Request File
Watch the video below to learn the difference between a graduates file and a request file. Graduates File A graduates file contains data for all of your institution’s recent high school graduates. You should submit a graduates file once per year. The Clearinghouse stores the data from your graduates files […]
Formatting and Submitting a Graduates File
Watch the file submission video series to learn how to format and submit a graduates file. The first video is below. At the end of the video, you can select the next video in the series or click the icon in the upper right of the video to see all […]
Live Webinars
Learn more about StudentTracker for High Schools by attending one of our free live webinars. View a list of our upcoming webinars at the link below. You can also visit our Events Calendar for a list of all National Student Clearinghouse upcoming events.
Formatting and Submitting a DiplomaVerify Historical Data Graduates File
A DiplomaVerify historical data graduates file is a text file of historical diploma data that you can submit to The Clearinghouse for use with DiplomaVerify. It allows you to submit diploma data for additional years beyond those covered in your StudentTracker for High Schools graduates file so that the Clearinghouse […]
Getting Started with DiplomaVerify
Step 1: Sign Up Fill out our DiplomaVerify information form. If you are already a StudentTracker for High Schools client and have submitted a diploma file, we can start processing verifications as soon as we have implemented your DiplomaVerify agreement. If you are in the process of signing up for […]