Program Level Report Errors Resolution

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Once your institution uploads the Program Level Report file, the Clearinghouse will process the data and conduct validations against strict field-level definitions and standards. If our Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment (FVT/GE) system flags errors on the uploaded Program Level file, you will be presented with a list of errors that must be corrected. Once all the errors are resolved, click “Accept and send” to have your Program Level Report sent from the Clearinghouse to NSLDS.

You can manage the errors listed below via the FVT/GE service on our secure site.


Errors:  6002 – 6006 | 6110 | 6200 – 6204 | 6207 – 6213

Code Description Type Solution Prevention
6002 Ineligible program Added CLEARINGHOUSE Acknowledged program records will be excluded from the Program Level Report. Download the list of programs for your records. Ensure the student/program-specific information about each GE or eligible non-GE program is reported on an annual basis for the most recently completed award year to be included in the file.
6003 Original record in the program file is missing CLEARINGHOUSE Provide the Accreditation and Licensure Information for the program. You can also indicate if the program did not receive Title IV aid for the program or if the program is not a QGP. Ensure program records included on the Program Level report are included in the uploaded file.
6004 Program data does not match the original program file CLEARINGHOUSE Revert the values of the generated program data back to the Clearinghouse value Ensure program fields are populated with valid values generated by Clearinghouse.
6005 Count of Enrolled Students does not match the original program file CLEARINGHOUSE Revert the count back to the Clearinghouse value or Accept the School provided value Ensure an appropriate count of students is provided.
6006 More than one record for the same CIP Code-Credential level combination CLEARINGHOUSE Select program(s) with the longest length to be reported when there are multiple programs with matching CIP Code/Credential level and varying program lengths.

The count of enrolled students can be updated with an aggregated value for CIP Code/Credential level combinations marked for inclusion (e.g., programs with the longest length).

Ensure that duplicate programs that are not required to be reported to NSLDS are excluded.
6110 Qualifying Graduate Program indicator is invalid or “Y” but credential level is not equal to 05, 06, 07, 08 CLEARINGHOUSE Provide a valid value and report “Yes,” but only for credential level 05, 06, 07, or 08. Ensure the field is populated with a valid value and if the credential level for the program is equal to 05 (Master’s Degree), 06 (Doctoral Degree), 07 (First Professional Degree), or 08 (Graduate/Professional Certificate), report the value as “Yes.”
6200 Programmatically Accredited indicator is blank/invalid SCHOOL Provide valid value: Yes, No, or N/A. Ensure field is populated with a valid value.
6201 Accrediting Agency Name is blank/invalid SCHOOL Provide a valid value that doesn’t exceed 35 characters. Ensure field is populated with a valid value.
6202 Liberal Arts Bachelor’s Degree Program at Proprietary Institution is blank/invalid or valid, but does not match the program credential
level of 03 (bachelor’s degree)
SCHOOL Provide valid value: Yes, No, or N/A. Ensure field is populated with a valid value.
6203 Count of Program Graduates Who Attempted Licensure Exam is invalid SCHOOL Provide a valid value that doesn’t exceed 35 characters. Ensure field is populated with a valid value.
6204 Count of Program Graduates Who Passed Licensure Exam is invalid SCHOOL Provide valid value: Yes, No, or N/A. Ensure the field is populated with a valid value and, if the credential level for the program is equal to 03 (Bachelor’s Degree), report the field as “Yes.”
6207 Invalid Flag is invalid SCHOOL Provide valid value: No Ensure field is populated with a valid value.
6208 Gainful Employment Program Flag is blank/invalid SCHOOL Provide valid value: Yes or No Ensure field is populated with a valid value.
6209 Program Prepares Students for Licensure in State of Main Campus is blank/invalid SCHOOL Provide a numerical value that doesn’t exceed six digits. Ensure field is populated with numerical values only and does not exceed six digits. If the institution’s accrediting agency does not require the school to provide the count of students who take a licensure exam, report a single space in this field.
6210 Program Prepares Students for Licensure in MSA State Two is valid/invalid and State Two in MSA of Main Campus is blank SCHOOL Provide a numerical value that doesn’t exceed six digits. Ensure field is populated with numerical values only and does not exceed six digits. If the institution’s accrediting agency does not require the school to provide the count of students who take a licensure exam, report a single space in this field.
6211 Program Prepares Students for Licensure in MSA State Three is valid/invalid and State Three in MSA of Main Campus is blank SCHOOL Provide valid value only if State Three in MSA of Main Campus is not blank. Ensure field is populated with a valid value (Yes, No, Not Applicable) only when State Three in MSA of Main Campus is not blank.
6212 Program Prepares Students for Licensure in MSA State Four is valid/invalid and State Four in MSA of Main Campus is blank SCHOOL Provide a valid value only if State Four in MSA of Main Campus is not blank. Ensure field is populated with a valid value (Yes, No, Not Applicable) only when State Four in MSA of Main Campus is not blank.
6213 Program Prepares Students for Licensure in MSA State Five is valid/invalid and State Five in MSA of Main Campus is blank SCHOOL Provide a valid value only if State Five in MSA of Main Campus is not blank. Ensure field is populated with a valid value (Yes, No, Not Applicable) only when State Five in MSA of Main Campus is not blank.


Role(s) Program Level Report (SLR) Data Correction Permissions
Financial Aid Officer
  • View program information
  • Include program record
  • Exclude program record
  • Reject an uploaded Program Level Report file
  • Download file
  • Accept and Send Program Level Report to NSLDS
Financial Aid Viewer
  • View program information
  • Download program file

Important NoteNote: Assign either the Financial Aid Officer or Financial Aid Viewer role type to a user. Do not assign both role types to a single user.

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