Activating Your FVT/GE Service

On this page, we will walk you through the steps to successfully activate and participate in our FVT/GE service, as well as provide helpful resources. We also recommend that you explore our FVT/GE resource center for information on future Clearinghouse FVT/GE releases and how to stay up-to-date on reporting requirements.


STEP 1: Manage your institution’s contact list

Your Clearinghouse user administrator can add, view, and update your contacts at any time. The following contact types have FVT/GE responsibilities:

  • Financial Aid Officer: Has access to manage your institution’s FVT/GE reporting on our secure site, including downloading and uploading data and receiving Clearinghouse system-generated email alerts related to FVT/GE.
  • Financial Aid Viewer: Has view-only access to your institution’s FVT/GE reporting on our secure site but cannot download or upload data. This role type will receive Clearinghouse system-generated email alerts related to FVT/GE.
Role View Data (No Download/
Edit Data (Download/
Delete Data Manage User Roles Set Preferences – Reporting Type WebID Required Allow Multiple Users At Least One User Required
Financial Aid Officer Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y
Financial Aid Viewer Y N N N N Y Y N

Important Note Please note that these user roles only allow a user to view FVT/GE data. You will also need the Submission Data or Submission Data Alternate Role to make corrections to the FVT/GE Completers List data.

STEP 2: Request an ad hoc Completers List

Your Clearinghouse Activations rep will reach out to you to ask that you request an ad hoc Completers List from the NSLDS and with instruction on how you can do that (see 2.3.1 in the NSLDS FVT/GE user guide). In the meantime, you can view the draft Completers List from the NSLDS.

  • You can view and download any of these Completers Lists.
  • You can only work on the most recently received Completers List.
  • Your draft Completers List will be comprised of students who completed a GE or an eligible non-GE program during the applicable cohort period. It is created using administrative data from the NSLDS.

STEP 3: Review your Completers List

Once your institution is officially active with our FVT/GE service, the NSLDS will send your Completers List to the Clearinghouse. Once we notify you that your Completers List is available for review on our secure site, you have 50 days to make corrections before the Clearinghouse submits your Completers List to NSLDS on your behalf.

The date that the Clearinghouse received your FVT/GE Completers List will be posted when the draft list is made available on our secure site for you to review and edit. The secure site also has a counter that displays the days left before your list is due to NSLDS, providing a visual tracker for your institution.

STEP 4: Complete your Completers List worksheet

Your school’s data reporting dashboard includes an FVT/GE tile on which your Completers List worksheet will be provided. The Completers List Worksheet offers a convenient way for you to make initial corrections to the data, search and filter the data, and add missing students. It includes the following:

  1. Student Records Missing from the Completers List: Based on our enrollment records, the Clearinghouse identified student records that are missing from your Completers List. You can review these student records and add or exclude them from the report sent to NSLDS.
  1. Student Graduation Status Reconciliation: The Clearinghouse found student records that are missing from our system. You can review these records and update their program status from Withdrawn to Graduated.

Important Note These changes will only be reflected in the Clearinghouse system. They will NOT be reported to NSLDS.

  1. Review and Add Exclusions: Although the Clearinghouse did not identify discrepancies with these records, you can review and select an exclusion from the list provided (see below) or mark them for removal.

Exclusions include:

    • Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary (CTP) Program
    • Approved Prison Education Program

Your completed worksheet will highlight the updates you made to the three sections above and serve as a reference to guide your edits in the NSLDS system. This helps ensure the accuracy and completeness of your final Completers List.

STEP 5: Watch for an email confirming NSLDS has sent your final Completers List

STEP 6: Review the data elements you must report to the Clearinghouse

While you are working on your Completers List, your institution can begin to locate the data elements needed for the Student Detail and Program files. Here are the data elements to help you get started:

Program File

  • Potential qualifying graduate programs whose students are required to complete postgraduate training programs.
  • States within the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) where your institution’s main campus is located and where the program does or does not prepare the students for licensure.
    • Up to five states, with an additional Y/N field or whether it does or does not prepare the student for licensure in each state
  • Whether the program is programmatically accredited and, if so, the name of the accrediting agency
  • Total number of graduates who took the licensure exam and the total number of graduates who passed for each of the up to five states in the MSA

Student Cohort – Annual Amounts

  • Student’s total annual cost of attendance (COA)
  • Total tuition and fees associated to the student for the award year
  • Student’s residency tuition status by state or district
  • Student’s total annual allowance for housing and food
  • Student’s total annual allowance for books, supplies, and equipment
  • Amount of institutional grants and scholarships disbursed to the student
  • Amount of other state, tribal, or private grants disbursed to the student
  • Amount of any private education loans disbursed to the student for enrollment in the program of which the institution is aware, including private education loans made by the institution

Student Cohort – Total Amounts

  • Total amount of the allowances for books, supplies, and equipment included in the student’s title IV, HEA COA for each award year
  • Total amount of institutional debt the student owes after completing or withdrawing from the program
  • Total amount of tuition and fees for the student’s entire enrollment in the program
  • Total amount of any private education loans disbursed to the student for enrollment in the program, including private education loans made by the institution for the student’s entire enrollment in the program
  • Whether or not the program is a comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary Program or an approved Prison Education Program

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