Reviewing Update Results

After you submit updated data, you will receive an email with a summary of the update files that we processed and instructions to download your update results file. The file is a *.csv file, which you can download from the SFTP site.

For instructions on downloading files from the SFTP site, see our SFTP help document.

The results file includes the following information:

  • Source Type: The type of update file that was submitted (COHORT-UPDATE, COURSE-UPDATE-TERM, or COURSE-UPDATE-COURSE)
  • Org ID: Your organization ID
  • Institution ID: The institution ID for the individual update record
  • Submission Line Number: The record line number from the submitted update file
  • Submission Number: A unique number that The Clearinghouse assigns to each submitted file
  • Student ID: Your institutions ID for the student
  • Update Status: Indicates if the update was successful (Y or N).
    • Y = The update was successful.
    • N = We were not able to match all of the criteria required for the update.
  • Student Match Status: Indicates if we were able to match the data to an existing student.
    • If the Student Match Status is Y and the Update Status is N, the matching issue is with the cohort term, academic term, or course detail information (depending on the update file type). See Update Errors below for more information.
  • File Name: The name of the update file submitted by your organization

Update Errors

If your update results file indicates that a record could not be updated, you should review the data in that record and compare it to the previously submitted data to determine what caused the error. You can also check the Student Match Status, which indicates whether or not we were able to match the data to an existing student.

If we were not able to match the data to an existing student, you should confirm that the student data was sent in a previous cohort file and that the student ID or social security number matches the original file.

If the Student Match Status is Y and the Update Status is N, you should check the following:
  • Cohort Update File: Confirm that the cohort term and year are the same as in the original file.
  • Course Term Update File: Confirm that the academic year and term are the same as in the original file.
  • Course Update File: If the course information was sent previously, confirm that the required course information, such as the course prefix and course number, is the same as in the original file.

Previous: Formatting the Course Update File Detail Records


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