Host Reverse Transfer Course Detail File: Body Record Layout

  • The file must contain at least one detail record row.
  • There are a total of 29 possible fields that can be provided by the host institution.
  • There are 4 filler fields that can be used for future expansion.
Field Name Required Field Length Data Type Comments/Validation Rules
Row Identifier Required 4 Alphanumeric RTD1
(RT=Reverse Transfer application, D=Detail, 1=Row of detail record)
Host Student ID Required 20 Alphanumeric
  • Student ID of host institution cannot be the same number as SSN or ITIN
  • Accepted special characters = period, hyphen, underscore only
SSN (Social Security Number) Optional but a critical need for 2-year
institutions (DGI)
9 Numeric
  • Cannot start with 9
  • 9 digits of SSN cannot be the exact same digits
  • SSN cannot be consecutive “0”
  • Any segment of SSN cannot be all “0”
  • 000 12 1234 Invalid
  • 120 00 1234 Invalid
  • 120 34 0000 Invalid
ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) Optional 9 Numeric
  • Cannot be the same number as student ID
  • Must start with number 9
First Name Required 60 Alpha
  • Cannot be all spaces
  • Accepted special characters = period, hyphen, underscore only
Middle Name Optional 60 Alpha Accepted special characters = period, hyphen, underscore only
Last Name Required 60 Alpha
  • Cannot contain numbers
  • Accepted special characters = period, hyphen, underscore only
  • Cannot be all spaces
Suffix Optional 10 Alphanumeric Suffix such as “Jr”
Date of Birth (DOB) Required 08 Numeric
  • Birth date formatted as YYYYMMDD
  • Must be in the past and after 1900
  • Cannot be in the future
Street line 1 Optional but a critical need for 2-year
institutions (DGI)
30 Char Street address #1 of the mailing address
Street line 2 Optional 30 Char Street address #2 of the mailing address
City Optional but a critical need for 2-year
institutions (DGI)
20 Char City of the mailing address
State Optional but a critical need for 2-year
institutions (DGI)
02 Alpha State abbreviations or FO, if other than U.S.
ZIP Optional but a critical need for 2-year
institutions (DGI)
10 Numeric Zip code of the mailing address
Country Optional 15 Char Country name or country code (Country Code is preferred, a look up table will be used for country code if no country code matches a value of “US” will be used.
Student Phone Number Optional but a critical need for 2-year
institutions (DGI)
20 Char U.S. or international numbers are accepted.
Student Email- Optional but a critical need for 2-year
institutions (DGI)
255 Char
  • Clearinghouse will not check the validity of the email or its format
  • For response file in EDI format: Length preferred is <= 80
  • Greater than 80 char will be truncated to meet EDI requirements
Host Core Competency Completed
(see Acronyms and Definitions for further explanation)
Optional 1 Alpha
  • Host Core Competency Completed Flag (which means the core/general education course has been completed as per host institutions standards/requirements)
  • ‘Y’ = core requirements evaluated and satisfied
  • ‘N’ = core requirements evaluated (at least once), but not (yet) satisfied
  • ‘ ‘ = core requirements not (yet) evaluated
  • Expected value is Y, N or null. Anything other than Y or N will be treated as null.
Total Combined Earned and Transferred Credits Required for Reverse Transfer 10 Numeric Total number of credits the student has earned at your institution plus transferred earned credits.

For Degree Granting Institution (DGI) this is crucial piece of information in filtering students who have the highest eligibility to be reviewed for Reverse Transfer degree. The Clearinghouse will hold the data of the student to the specified number of earned credits by the DGI. The DGI will then receive cumulative data for the student.

We highly recommend all institutions provide valid values to this field to lessen the work on the two-year institutions and decrease the time to degree for the student.

Must be >=1

Purpose of Course Exchange Optional 3 Numeric The purpose of course exchanged valid values:

  • Null = Reverse Transfer
  • 1 = Reverse Transfer
  • 2 = General Reporting/Non Credit Data

Course data is sent to the Clearinghouse for different purposes. This field is used to indicate if this course is being sent to the Clearinghouse for the purpose of reverse transfer, which means the course will be sent to the corresponding DGI as indicated in the DGI OPEID field.

  • If an institution is sending other course data, including non-credit, to the Clearinghouse for reporting purposes, the purpose should be coded as general reporting/non-credit.
  • If an institution is sending courses for both purposes, please indicate at the detail record level for which purpose the course is being sent to the Clearinghouse.
Industry Endorsement Optional 200 Char If a course is endorsed by an industry, list the name(s)s of the industry it is endorsed by.

Many institutions offer non-credit, vocational, containing courses, or industry-specific courses. This field will indicate which industry or industries the course is endorsed by.

For example, the course “Introduction to Welding” is endorsed by National Association of Welders.

Host OPEID Required
(if the file is being sent from an SOI)Individual
institutions sending data will not
provide a value for this field.
6 N If file is being sent by a System of Institution (SOI) then the Host OPEID must be provided.

  • The Host OPEID identifies the host institution sending the data on that student (this cannot be the SOI ID).
  • Must be 6 digits
  • Must be a valid OPEID
  • Must be set up as a participating organization with the System of Institutions (SOI) that is sending the file.
Course Name Required 10 Char Cannot be all spaces
Course Number Required 10 Alphanumeric
  • Cannot be all spaces
  • Accepted special characters = period, hyphen, underscore only
Course Description Required 300 Char
  • Cannot be all spaces
  • Response file in EDI format: Length preferred is <= 60
  • Greater than 60 char will be truncated to meet EDI requirements
Course- Semester Session Required 20 Char
  • Cannot be all spaces
  • Response file in EDI format: EDI prefers a date range for this field, if no date range is provided the Course Begin Date and Course End Date will be used as a date range
Course Begin Date Required 08 Date
  • Must be in YYYYMMDD format
  • Must be less than Course End Date
Course End Date Required 08 Date
  • Must be in YYYYMMDD format
  • Must be greater than Course Begin Date
Grade Required 20 Char Grade the student earned (e.g., A, A+, A-, etc.)

  • Cannot be all spaces
  • Response File in EDI format: Length preferred is <= 3
  • Greater than 3 char will be truncated to meet EDI requirements
Grade Effective Date Optional but a critical need for 2-year
institutions (DGI)
08 Date The date the grade was effective or the date the grade was entered in the system.

In cases where the grade is changed for a course, this will help us identify this as the same course, but with a new grade, and avoid duplicate entries of the same course.

  • This is an optional field
  • Only send this in the file if your organization captures this date
  • Must be in YYYYMMDD format
  • Must be after the Course Begin Date
  • Cannot be in the future
Number of Credits Required 10 Numeric Number of credits the student earned for the course

  • Cannot be all spaces
Credit Description Optional for non-EDI but a critical need for 2-year
institutions (DGI)
20 Char Type of credit earned, such as Adult Credits, Continuing Education Units, Carnegie Units, No Credit, Quarter Hour Credit, Semester hour Credit, Units, Vocational Credits, Other Type of Credit.

  • For Response File in EDI format: Preferred length is <= 1
  • Credit description code from the EDI list is preferred instead sending a full description. If a full description is sent, we will use the EDI look-up table to find the appropriate one-letter code. If a code is not found, we will replace this with the value of “Z” (which equals “Other” in the look-up table).
  • See the Example Credit Descriptions for EDI Codes and Other Type of Credits
  • SPEEDE Server institutions: The preferred value for EDI conversions is “R” for regular enrollment
Core Course
(see Acronyms and Definitions for further explanation)
Optional 1 Char Core Course flag indicates if a course is part of the core competency/general education courses, as per the host institution.

Expected values:

  • Y = Yes, the course is a Core Course
  • N = No, the course is not a Core Course
  • Null = core equivalency not evaluated or applicable
  • Any value other than Y, N, or null is treated as null
Core Course Type
(see Acronyms and Definitions for further explanation)
Optional 20 Char This is related to the field “Core Course.” If a course was flagged “y,” this field will be used to specify the type of core competency it maps to.

For example, the core competency for “Introduction to Art 101” maps to a Humanities requirement.

Grade Scale Required 3 Numeric The grade scale is used by DGI institutions to understand what the value of the grade is at sending Institution.

Semester or Session GPA Optional but a critical need for 2-year
institutions (DGI)
5 Numeric Student’s grade point average for the Semester or Session.

  • Length must be <=5
  • Allows decimal value up to 2 digits (For example -12.20)
Overall GPA Optional but a critical need for 2-year
institutions (DGI)
5 Numeric Student’s overall grade point average

  • Length must be <=5
  • Allows decimal value up to 2 digits (For example -12.20)
DGI OPEID Required if sending data for Reverse Transfer

Leave Null if sending
non-credit data
(Industry Credential)

6 Numeric OPEID of the DGI(s) with which the data can be shared.

  • OPEID code (must be 6 digits)
  • Entire line record must be sent separately for each DGI with which the data will be shared
  • For example, if a student’s data is being sent to more than one DGI, there will be two-line records with different OPEIDs so the course data will be repeated.
DGI Student ID Optional 20 Alphanumeric Student ID of DGI

  • Cannot be the same number as SSN or ITIN
  • Accepted special characters: period, hyphen, and underscore only
Industry Provided Curriculum Optional 200 Char This field only applies if the course is part of an industry-provided curriculum. List the industry and/or the credentialing agency the course is provided by.

For example, “Introduction to Photography” is part of the PPA (Professional Photographers Association) curriculum or OSHA is the credentialing agency for the course “Forklift One”

Filler Field 1 N/A N/A N/A Filler field for future expansion
Filler Field 2 N/A N/A N/A Filler field for future expansion
Filler Field 3 N/A N/A N/A Filler field for future expansion
Filler Field 4 N/A N/A N/A Filler field for future expansion

Noteworthy Information

  • If there are extra pipes within a field it must be surrounded by double quotes.
    • For example – “Math 101|study of numbers”
    • For the response file in EDI format, the EDI conversions will not pass an extra pipe and an error will be produced for the record with the extra Although the file will still process, the record with the error will not be passed in the response file.
  • Filler fields are for future enhancements and are expected to be left empty. Content included in filler fields will not be saved or included in the response files.


Body Record from Host:

RTD1|7100003|123456789||John|S|Smith|Sr|19850814|12345 Somewhere Dr.||Someplace|VA|77396|US|703 999 9999||Y|60||||CHEM|1405|Intro Chemistry|Fall 2014|20140825|20141214|B|20141214|3|Regular Enrollment|y|Math|025|3.5|3.7|888888|12131415|||||

Example of a Body Record from System of Institution Host:

RTD1|7100003|123456789||John|S|Smith|Sr|19850814|12345 Somewhere Dr.||Someplace|VA|77396|US|703 999 9999||Y|60|||999999|CHEM|1405|Intro Chemistry|Fall 2014|20140825|20141214|B|20141214|3|Regular Enrollment|y|Math|025|3.5|3.7|888888|12131415|||||

Systems are required to submit their Host OPEID (see highlighted text above).


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