Outcomes Dashboard

The Outcomes dashboard shows the completion rates and other outcomes for students by cohort year. Outcomes are categorized as follows:

Students who earned a certificate, associate’s degree, or bachelor’s degree…

  • at your institution
  • at another institution

Students who are still enrolled…

  • at your institution
  • at another institution
    • 2-year institution
    • 4-year institution

The dashboard displays outcomes for up to eight cohorts of students and up to two, three, four, six, and eight years after a student’s first enrollment (when available). Each outcome year also includes outcomes from previous years. When students have multiple outcomes in the selected timeframe, the dashboard displays a combination of the highest and latest outcomes. Previous outcomes are not displayed. The highest outcomes are considered in the following order:

  1. Bachelor’s degree at your institution
  2. Bachelor’s degree at another institution
  3. Associate’s degree or certificate at your institution
  4. Associate’s degree or certificate at another institution
  5. Still enrolled at your institution
  6. Still enrolled at another institution
  7. Not enrolled

Watch the video below to learn more about the Outcomes Dashboard.

Dashboard Sections

Completion Rates by Dimension

This section shows your institution’s overall gateway course completion rate across cohorts with a disaggregation by dimension. This includes credentials a student received from either your institution or another institution. The data appears as lines that show trends in completion from one cohort to the next based on the selected timeframe.

Outcomes by Credential Type and Dimension

This section displays outcomes disaggregated by dimension and year of cohort. You must select the cohort from the box in the bottom left. You can also select a time duration using the Outcomes At filter option. The colors of the boxes indicate your institution vs. other institutions, and the size of each box shows the frequency of the composite outcomes. You can hover over a box to see the percentage of all students in each cohort and a demographic who achieved a specific outcome.

Outcomes by Cohort

This section displays an overview of how your institution’s outcomes have changed from one cohort to the next. The first column shows the total number of students who are not enrolled and have not earned a credential from any institution within the selected timeframe. The second column shows the number and share of students in each cohort who earned a credential from or are still enrolled at your institution within the selected timeframe. The third column shows the total number and share of students who are enrolled at or earned a credential from another institution.

Using the Dashboard

You can use this dashboard to view outcomes at two, four, six, and eight years. The data that is displayed depends on how many years’ worth of data you have submitted and how long you have been submitting data to the PDP.

Outcomes for the Largest Population

You can use dimensions and filters to view outcomes for the largest population of students at your institution. For instance, if your institution has an enrollment profile of mostly traditional age, Hispanic, part time students, you can set the dimension to attendance type with outcomes at four years. Then you can add filters to select only Hispanic students 20 years old and younger.

Changes Over Time

You can use the dashboard to view changes over time and determine the pace at which students achieve outcomes by selecting a timeframe from the Outcomes At filter.

Measuring Achievements

You can use dimensions and filters to identify student groups who are doing well or not doing well. First select the dimension of your choice, then add filters as desired.

Use Cases

Impact of Attendance on Three-Year Outcomes

Watch the video below to learn how to use the Outcomes dashboard to measure the difference in outcomes between full-time and part-time students three years after enrollment.

Impact of Preparedness on Six-Year Completion Rates

Watch the video below to learn how to use the Outcomes dashboard to measure the relationship between preparedness and six-year completion rates.


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