Table of Contents
The First Year Credit Completion Ratio dashboard shows student success at completing the credits they attempt in their first year. First-year completion ratios are linked to higher credential completion rates, so this metric can help you identify student populations that need early intervention.
How It Works
Student Credit Completion Ratio
The dashboard calculates each student’s credit completion ratio (CCR) by dividing the total number of credits the student earned in their first year by the total number of credits the student attempted in their first year.
The dashboard calculates each student’s CCR based on their starting term, including summer and intersession terms. It does not calculate it based on your institution’s academic year.
Institution Credit Completion Ratio
The dashboard calculates your institution’s CCR by finding the average of all students’ individual CCRs within a given cohort year. The average includes only first-time and transfer-in students who have completed at least one credit.
Dashboard Sections
CCR by Cohort
This section displays an overview of how your institution’s CCR has changed from one cohort to the next. The blue bar shows the CCR, and the floating gray line shows the average number of credits earned by students in each cohort. You can hover over the blue bar to see exact CCR, average credits earned, and average credits attempted.
CCR vs. Average Credits Earned by Dimension
This dashboard shows the CCR vs. average credits earned disaggregated by dimension. The data is displayed in bars. The color of each bar indicates the average credits earned. The darker the color, the higher the number of average credits earned. The size of the bar indicates the CCR for the subgroup of students in each cohort. You can hover the bars to see the exact CCR, average credits earned, and average credits attempted.
CCR by Dimension
This dashboard shows the overall CCR across cohorts with a disaggregation across dimensions. The data displayed shows trends from one cohort to the next.
Using the Dashboard
GPA Range Dimension
CCR has powerful implications for students and satisfactory academic progress. One way to use this dashboard is to use the GPA range dimension. You can identify the gap between 0.5-1.0 and 1.5-2.0, filter the range to just 0.5-2.0, and then browse the dimensions to see differences among populations and intersectionality using variables like race, gender, or first generation status. When you identify a gap, you can use the Subgroup Gap Analysis tab to determine if those gaps have changed over time.
Answering Questions
You can also use the dashboard to answer specific questions, like “What is the CCR of first time in college Pell recipients of color and how has the ratio changed over time?” and “Are we closing achievement gaps?”
Use Cases
Impact of College Readiness on CCR
Watch the video below to learn how to use the First Year Credit Completion Ratio dashboard to measure the impact of college readiness metrics on our institution’s CCR.
Impact of GPA on CCR
Watch the video below to learn how to use the First Year Credit Completion Ratio dashboard to understand the academic progress of first-year students based on your institution’s requirements for satisfactory academic progress.
Understanding the CCR for Transfer-In Students
Watch the video below to learn how to use the First Year Credit Completion Ratio dashboard to understand the CCR for new transfer-in students.